Pictures of Celebrities on Christmas Day When They Were Young_Old US Page

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas Day is coming. Let's see how celebrities greeted this day in the past.

Bill Clinton and his mother Virginia Clinton at a Christmas Party, December 1963
Carol Lynley, circa 1960


Debbie Reynolds pinned up for Christmas, circa 1950


Elizabeth Taylor in the 1940s


Elvis Presley, 1957


Little Jacqueline Bouvier with her Scotty dog in Central Park


Margaret O'Brien, 1945


Natalie Cole and her father Nat King Cole, 1960


Natalie Wood, circa 1947


Prince Harry dressed as a shepherd for the Christmas play at school, December 8, 1988


Princess Grace of Monaco and her daughter Princess Carolinehanding out Christmas presents to the children, 1971


Sandra Dee in the late 1950s


Shirley Temple, 1934


The Jackson, 1970


Anne Francis in the early 1950s


Annette Funicello, circa 1959


Audrey Hepburn with the cast of a Christmas Party revue at the Cambridge Theatre, December 9, 1949


Barack Obama and girlfriend (later his wife) Michelle, 1989