22 Wonderful Color Photographs Capture Street Scenes of New Orleans, Louisiana in the Late 1950s_Old US Page


New Orleans was very diverse as the majority of people were immigrants from Europe of Africa. It was an isolated area where people were not excluded because of race or nationality and they were able to live with each other. It created a different environment than what you are used to seeing in the States.

African Americans came to New Orleans and were able to open up their own businesses from insurance companies to dentist and physicians because of the variety of African American businesses the quickly became one of the more prominent audiences there. African Americans were also important because of their unique style of music and made New Orleans one of the most unique cities in the States.
New Orleans was a diverse city intended for minorities to live in America during the 1950s. It consisted of a large range of cultures, music and food to suit all ethnicities, it served as a “cultural gateway to North America” where different cultures combined their customs.






















(Photos: Mark Susina)