27 Lovely Vintage Portraits of Long-Haired High School Girls in Dayton, Ohio From the Mid-1970s_Old US Page Old US
Amazing Candid Photographs Capture Teenagers Dancing at the High School Dance From the 1960s and '70s_Old US Page Old US
43 Vintage Snapshots of Middle-Aged Women Posing Next to Their Christmas Trees From the 1950s and ’60s_Old US Page Old US
Amazing Vintage Photos of Passengers Riding Mount Lowe’s Cable Incline in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries_Old US Page Old US
30 Vintage Snaps of People Decorating Their Christmas Trees From the 1950s and 1960s_Old US Page Old US
18 Stunning Vintage Photographs That Show How New Yorkers Celebrated the Holidays in the Past_Old US Page Old US